Châu Ngọc Bích

Cập nhật lần cuối 23/07/2021
E-mail Locked
Số điện thoại Locked
Birthday: November 20, 1990
Bạn Đang Sống Ở Đâu? Hồ Chí Minh
Work permit: Không
Năm Sinh: 1999
Giới tính: Nữ
Hồ sơ ứng tuyển: lockLocked
Thành Phố Mong Muốn Làm Việc Hồ Chí Minh
Mức lương mong muốn: 100.000
ESL Certification (TEFL, TESOL) I don't have a TEFL certification

Kinh Nghiệm Làm Việc:


Teaching Assistant

Main responsibilities

-Planning activities for children

-Giving the instruction


2 months internship in Education Consultant position

- Arrange placement tests and deliver programs/course consultations

- Handle customers’ feedback and requests

IES EDUCATION         September/2019 – present

Teacher for young learners

- Prepare lesson plans and exercises for students before going to class.

- Teach English and take care of students according to the center's curriculum

- Track students' academic performance and progress in class.

- Experience in Cambridge certification exam preparation. (Starters, Movers)

- Teaching English online for elementary, middle, and high school students


2 months internship as an English teacher

- Prepare lesson plans and directly teach according to the curriculum of 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade textbooks.

- Work as a 12A4 class trainee homeroom teacher

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